About you and about me
Who are you, what is on your mind?
What will you get from me?
Are you afraid to show yourself in your feminine splendour because your fear to look ridiculous or because others might think you’re too big for your boots, too vain or arrogant?
In my coaching sessions and in my seminars, i lead you to show yourself confidently in all your dazzling facets and to feel good about it.
Are you shy and don’t dare to express your (secret) desires?
Do others always have priority?
I will help you to be sassy and outrageous and to express your needs without feeling guilty.
Do you lack ease and inspiration to add more delight and creativity into your life?
I lead you out of your mental concepts towards your essence.
Are you tied up in a job that no longer gives you satisfaction?
Together we will find the freedom to turn your career upside down.
Are you completely exhausted and absorbed as a mother, and do not have any time for yourself?
Not to mention lust for anything else?
I connect you with the possibility to live your motherhood with pride and trust in the wisdom inherent in you.
Have your children grown independent or left the house and are you confronted with an inner emptiness?
So it’s time to recreate yourself and remember who you used to be…
Are you experiencing a moment of chaos when nothing is what it seemed to be and solutions are not in sight?
Find new clarity and visions with me.
Have you tried so many things and nothing worked?
Good news, there are ways to neutralize inner resistance, barriers, limiting thoughts and feelings.
Are you unhappy within a relationship or are you an unhappy single?
I will open your eyes to how you created this misfortune and how you can turn this drama into happiness and gratitude.
Are you curious?
Then please use my offer of a free 45-minute introductory talk.
An find out more about my different offers:
One-To-One Coaching
What a Difference a Day makes
Enigma d`Amor
Find yourself again
Circle of manifestations
on the 8 celtic annual festivals
Archetype annual programm
School of Burlesque „Ecole des Femmes“
And finally, on request, my healing images and shamanic shields